Indiana Jones Site - What PlugIns Did We Add?

Last Update: June 16, 2012
Between playing time, the pool and family events we added the plug-ins today to my 8 year old`s Indiana Jones site.

These are the plug ins we start with:
  • All in One SEO Pack
  • Google Analytics
  • Google XML Sitemaps with qTranslate Support
  • Quick Contact
  • WordPress Ping Optimizer

If you are new at this, creating your first site, a little tip is to change the privacy setting so that the search engines does not rank your site until you are ready for it to rank.

You can change that on the back end of your wordpress site:

Settings - Privacy - Ask Search Engines not to Index this site

What other plug ins do you usually add when you start your sites?
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@RICH. Premium
Google XML Sitemaps with qTranslate Support? WT*?! Oh, 8 years old, huh?! OK, renaming my first site as "Temple of Doom". :P
veronica.l Premium
He was cool with the explanation, it helps Google find our site he said "ok mamma"
DABK Premium
secure wordpress
wp super cache
wordpress database backup (or some other backup plugin)
exclude pages
easy privacy policy
veronica.l Premium
I was looking for a easy privacy policy, they removed the one I used to work so I was just going to create a new page with a copy of the old privacy policy. What easy privacy policy do you use?
DABK Premium
The old one. I go to my hosting, go to plugin, copy the folder and paste it to the new site's plugin folder.
veronica.l Premium
Labman_1 Premium