Posts by Vic602 11
March 09, 2010
Hi all you buddies out there, I'm finding more and more articles that promise information, but when I click on the site I end up with empty junk words and a link to an affiliate site. In addition, the title of one particular article  promised a how-to, but what he gave was a few definitions and a link. I hate that and his affiliate link would be the last place I would click. I'm sure other people would feel the same way and I think there's a good lesson in that. I suppose the push to write
February 23, 2010
Okay, I've finally decided on a product, and the niche. I've completed the demographic work, and lined up the affiliates (most of them). Phew, time to break out the brandy. I'm also writing a book on boating for a friend of mine. That's a chore since I don't know a dang thing about the boating industry except that a boat should float. He, fortunately has a wealth of knowledge stuck up there above the bridge of his nose. It's my job to squeeze it out and get it on paper.  In addition, Misty,
February 18, 2010
Wellllll, I made a discover just before the holidays. I discovered that about half the companies I wanted to represent required a website to accept my offer to represent their products.  So I got myself registered with Hostgator and am on a quest for good, and simple web building software. I'm looking at Coffee Cup, but I don't like the additional costs for add ons. The second one is Web Easy 8 Professional. I'm not tech smart enough yet to work with such programs as Dream Weaver. If any
February 08, 2010
One of the most important things I've learned about marketing is if you create a need, you will sell product. There's an enormous difference between need and want. Savvy marketers are aware of this and work overtime to move potential customers from "I want it" to "I must have it because I need it." If you remember this in your marketing campaigns, you will increase sales. A prime example of this marketing concept can be found in the book  "The 4-Hour Workweek"
January 15, 2010
Well, I'm off an running into the new year with my first commission, a whopping 12 cents. Wowser, I should march right out an buy a palace. Despite all that, that 12 cents was probably the most important money anyone has ever earned. You see, I didn't think anyone was much interested in the Squidoo lens I created. The page views are pathetic despite my efforts and massive energy in research etc. to put it together. The fact that it paid anything at all is most encouraging. My special thanks to
December 21, 2009
Hi All, Okay, I joined WA the last of October and it's fast approaching the two month mark. So far I've struggled through 1 Squidoo lens (, have it listed with Digg, and submitted to Stumble Upon. Not yet in Del. but soon. I've posted a blog about it with a link back on (Thank you Pot Pie Girl). The lens is not yet indexed on Google. I'll have to keep you posted on how that goes. I'd sure appreciate any comments on the lens, good, bad, etc.
December 08, 2009
Hi all, It's been awhile since my last post, but I have been working diligently on setting up my first Squidoo lens. Sheesh, did I ever have my share of problems. First it was trying to figure out the html code to format the way I wanted. Next came the trying to figure out the whether I was violating any copyright rules when I embedded the Youtube videos. I know I would have done the job sooooo much faster had I a mentor sitting next to me during the process. Anyway, it's almost done with the ex
November 09, 2009
The following are the two best resources for affiliate newbies like me: 1. Potpiegirl on WA - She clearly explains the methods she uses in affiliate marketing. She also has a great action plan to get you going. Thank you Potpiegirl. 2. 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. Ferriss presents a more advanced business model so you don't end up being a slave to your business. Personally, I've been there and don't want to go there again.  That said, anyone who thinks they aren't going to have to pu
1 comment
November 05, 2009
Hi friends, I read potpie girl's article on setting up a squidoo account to get the show on the road. Did what she said and wrote article. Now we'll see if they ban me for spamming. I'm not sure how all that works on squidoo yet, but I guess I'll find out. (I'm doing a piece on suggestions for Christmas gifts). I like buying some of my gifts from Omaha Steaks and they have an affiliate program through a network. Now I'm deep into figuring out how all that works on the site. I checked out the bo
October 28, 2009
Hi All, Vic here. Today was one of those off days when you don't seem to mesh your goals with the things life punts your way. I did manage to do more reading in the "Article Marketing" section. Great stuff. . I'm still wrestling a bit with the best way to use the research and marketing tools. I need to play with them a bit (okay, a lot) to glean the full power they offer. Today I checked out the book "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss. Haven't had time to look at it ye