Create Need

Last Update: February 08, 2010

One of the most important things I've learned about marketing is if you create a need, you will sell product. There's an enormous difference between need and want. Savvy marketers are aware of this and work overtime to move potential customers from "I want it" to "I must have it because I need it."

If you remember this in your marketing campaigns, you will increase sales. A prime example of this marketing concept can be found in the book  "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss. I strongly suggest you study his marketing techniques. Check out his content rich website and read his book (you will probably find it at your library). 

Your customers are not the only ones to benefit from want to need conversion. If you're like me and a little lazy about your affiliate business, create a need for it to succeed. To do this, make a list of your dreams and resolve to make them come true. Once you have created the need to succeed, you will do what it takes to make that happen. 

Keep in mind that dreams are rarely about money, but money can buy you the time to live your dreams. That's what it's all about. 


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