The Beginning

Last Update: October 27, 2009

This is day 1. I signed up today and reviewed the basic information available on the start page then  began the "Get Started" section. From there I filled in the personal information, uploaded my picture, and began this blog.

There are a few things I've learned over the years.

1. If you're going to start a business, develop a business plan. The business plan begins by learning about the business and answering the who, what, when, where, and how questions. Who are my alies? What tools do I need to run this business (including learing how to use the tools)? When do I expect the business to be profitable? Where can I get help? How is this business best managed?

2. The best way to succeed is to help someone else succeed. That brings me to the customer phase. Who are the customers/clients? What are their needs and wants? Where do I find these customers/clients? When is the best time to reach them? How is the best way to reach them?

That being said, I'm on my way to page 2 of the "Get Started" section. 

Your new buddy,



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