Attitude is Everything

Last Update: March 04, 2011


A positive attitude in life is not only a proven attraction marketing magnet a infectious positive attitude is the winning formula for all areas of our lives.

Show me a happy and successful person and I will venture to say you won't find a negative fiber in their body.

Over the past 25 years , one of my biggest challenges in living and sharing my life with troubled broken teens , is the process of shifting their defeating negative attitude to a  realm of  the positive and gaining the attitude of gratitude.

This shift in mental consciousness has such a remarkable tangible switch of energy that a person can feel the shifting within themselves.

The key here is to realize the importance of positive attitude in life and put in place the tools that can help build and maintain the shifting mindset from negative to the positive.

How to keep a positive attitude in life is not so easy if one is in the  process of learning how to change the mindset.

The following is a very small list of ideas tha can help support and continuously feed the mind and body. Access sources of  positive thoughts and quotes, images, images,sounds and entering into the energy radiated off positive people and environments. Submerging self with these resources can successfully transform a persons losing world to one of winning and abundance.

"Attitude Is Everything"by author Vicki Hilzges hits the nail on the head.

This little book delivers 10 Rules For Staying Positive  in such a delightful ,easy way that it warms the heart and spirit of any who read it.

There are so many ways that can help us maintain a spirit of positive attitude in life.

Reflecting on your day and entering your thoughts into a gratitude journal at days end is a powerful way to recognize all the goodness that was around you , even in a day of chaos. You will surprise yourself how the list will get longer as you pursue this action over a period of time.

As your awareness of the goodness increases so will your increase and power of the grateful positive attitude in life take  on a daily reality that will begin to truly drive your life towards the successful abundance you deserve.

The following is a enlightening quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer

" Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react to what happens; not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts,events and outcomes. it is a catalyst..a spark that creates extraordinary results."


Have a fantabulous day  to my new friends and fellow marketers. 




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Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Wanda. I always seem to connect with your posts. If I don't connect I still enjoy them. This one hit me where I live. Thanks.
Jamie Smith Premium
Great mindset in your blog
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Wandah. Attitude makes all the difference. Anyone who's ever spent an evening with a downer goes home feeling drained. Conversely, an "up" person gives you energy. I figure you have a choice. May as well choose to be positive. More practical in the long run.