Is Your Why Big Enough To Withstand The Blood Sweat & Tears Of Internet Marketing?

Last Update: February 28, 2011

I feel not everyone is cut out to succeed in Internet Marketing. I think a lot of people think its an easy way to make money. Not so. Internet Marketing is a profession like any other profession.

The learning curve is huge, just as if you were going to enroll in a college course or university for the career you would like to make your own.

The plus for learning Internet Marketing is you are building a business of your own. Also it is a fraction of the cost to invest in for your learning and software tools that make this work.
The next plus is you can earn as you learn. This is a great benefit.

The clincher in all of this is you have to know why if you want to own an Internet Business. That why has to be full of passion and desire so big that it will sustain you through the freak in' tough times of learning and working through the wrecks that do occur along the way.
These wrecks can be self induced by your own ignorance or by technical failure with in software, Google slaps etc, or the  Internet itself.

You need to develop an entrepreneur mindset,filled with self motivation, persistence, and a burning desire to succeed no matter what.

Hard work, lots of hard work for a year or two is small price to pay for your freedom that can come with succeeding in this line of business.

 I do know this , if you do not Quit, you will come through the learning curve and carve out an amazing financial return that will allow you the lifestyle of your dreams.

Have you Got What It Takes

If you could use some help to dig down deep and figure out your real gut reason for wanting to build an Internet Business I would be glad to  help you out. Just send me a message.

Attitude of Gratitude


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algee650 Premium
So true!! Thanks for sharing!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Wanda, this is just what I needed this morning.
phildeeze Premium
I like to think of it as any other business. If you were to go out and open a diner, it can take up to 2 years to become established and sometimes longer. However like you said you can earn as you learn with IM which makes the process a bit easier to manage.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Wandah. Realistic and encouraging. I agree.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Wandah for sharing your great blog!