An Illustration Of The Power of Article Marketing

Last Update: June 10, 2010

I’d like to share a story with you that illustrates the power of article marketing and why I am growing to love it so much.

Up to now I've been using article marketing on and off for both my spiritual blog and my network marketing blog.  A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a review of Brent Payne’s new income opportunity called Avant. I received some positive feedback to the review from several people on my list. ... and you'll notice I just created another backlink to that review.   :-)

After I wrote the review, I decided to also submit it to

Because the review was quite lengthy, I tweaked it a little and split it into two articles that were each over 600 words in length. I titled the articles “Avant Brent Payne MLM Review – A Comparison Of The Avant Income Opportunity And Liberty League” and “Avant Brent Payne MLM Review – Is The Avant Income Model Viable?“.

Here are a few fun facts.

The articles rank #1 and #2 in Google for the search phrase “Brent Payne Avant”. They even outrank Avant’s own website in the search listings. In addition, I have page one search engine rankings in Google for search terms such as “MLM Avant”, “Avant MLM”, “Avant income opportunity” and “Brent Payne Liberty League”.

So with a little bit of deliberate thought about the keywords I wanted to target with my articles, I was able to easily land on page one of the search listings. In retrospect, I don't even think I did that good a job with the article titles.

In my resource box for the articles, I included a link back to my network marketing blog where I also posted the full Avant review (as one post rather than 2). At the bottom of the review on my blog, I invite people to look at my healthy dark chocolate opportunity and suggest that it I believe it to be a better alternative for most people.

As of this writing, those two articles have received a combined total of 121 views on and from those 121 views, 35 people clicked through to my blog.

Now I don’t know how many of those 35 people bothered to click through to look at my chocolate opportunity, but some did.

And here is the best part.

One of them was impressed enough with the quality of my review of Avant that he took the time to go to my blog and then click through to learn about my chocolate opportunity. Based on the quality of the information he found there, he filled in the contact form asking me a couple of questions. I emailed back answers to his questions and he then informed me he and his girlfriend are ready to get started at the fast track executive level. He’s going to be getting started as soon he receives his next pay check.

Oh … and he is working in Singapore, but lives in Australia.

Do you see how powerful this is?

I invested around 45 minutes of my time to write a well thought out article on something I know people are interested in — a review of a new income opportunity.

By then taking that review and submitting to the article directories, which perhaps took another 20 minutes, I have driven 35 people to my blog … and so far have attracted one new business partner ready to fully invest and partner with me in my business.

I’ve placed no ads, called no one, and haven’t actually given the articles a second thought.

I've actually had similar things happen with articles I've used and threaded back to one of my blogs in the past, but it's only now that I've become a member of Wealthy Affiliate that I'm really beginning to understand the power in this ... and I'm finally seeing that it can be applied very systematically to promote any product or service.

In fact, by focusing on a single well chosen niche and affiliate product, I can open up an entirely new income stream and then I can create another one and another one.

I really love this and I am very enthused to be a member of this community.

Thanks for reading.

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sadfrog Premium
Powerful stuff indeed, Warren. Living in Canada, contacted from Singapore by an investor who lives in Australia. I can sense the enthusiasm. Interesting post. I like the numbers. It's like "what are the odds?" Now I'm going to have to go to your sites and see what else you're doing. :-)
sarojinidurgiah Premium
hi, sorry to sound so stupid but i am at lesson 3 and i still don't know how to find an affiliate product. How do i search for this, i am lost and hope that i don't give up. please help. thanks
jatdebeaune Premium
Very good story about the benefits of article marketing. Thank you for sharing.