Going Forward

Last Update: June 05, 2012
Good morning all. I'm thrilled and amazed wiht what I have found here @WA. My trial membership is winding down. I'm going to renew my membership, on a monthly basis for now, and see where we can get. Unfortunately, not really, because I'm learning, but my college has started back up for summer semester, and with working more than full time, and taking care of my family, it leaves a rare blip for my other ventures, namely IM. So, I am going to be popping in once in a while and slowly working at it, but it won't be the full amount of time I would like. Anyways, thanks for the support, and im glad to be joining the family.
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veronica.l Premium
Great decision, I agree with Beverly doing something even the smallest thing every day will take you closer to your goal. Getting the momentum going is important.
Let us know if you have any questions, will be happy to help!
BIS Premium
Glad you're going to take up membership after the trial comes to an end. It can be really difficult when you have so many competing responsibilities.

My advice is - if you can manage it - allocate 20 mins a day to IM (even if that means getting up 20 mins earlier than the rest of the household.

You'd be surprised how much you can achieve in 20 mins if you're really focussed. It will also ensure that you don't forget what you're learning because you will be doing it regularly..

You will also be able to see that you're making progress even if it's less than you would like.

Good luck
