So much info

Last Update: June 20, 2012
Wow, there is so much going on here, it blows my mind. Lol, I can't get over how much this site (WA) helps, I could spend pretty much every waking hour browsing and learning, for years, it seems like. Anyway, I'm spending my first full WA/IM work day in the morning. First day I have been able to salvage from my overflowing schedule. So, look for a couple articles @ SA, and maybe a couple more blog postings. Thanks again, for everything, ya'll
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Shawn Martin Premium
It does get easier, welcome to WA
Ty Johnson Premium
Don't worry, everything will start to make more sense sooner than you think, it is just very overwhelming the first month or so, after that it starts to get easier
clarkmanning Premium
I'm new here too.good luck with the article acceptance. It's prob something real minor. I have a question. Your blog post that shows up here. Is this from a post you made on your blog right here on WA?
Ty Johnson Premium
Yes it is
veronica.l Premium
Have a productive day tomorrow!