of course it won't post

Last Update: June 21, 2012
Hey all, Ive tried to post a couple of articles over at SA today, and they both got denied. Both because of keyword stuffing, which I didn't even thikn about when I wrote them. Anyways, one can be fixed fairly easily, however, the other one, although it is keyword stuffed unintentionally, it's about that keyword. So how do I go about getting this fixed? Am I able to talk to the moderators and see if I can explain, or is there some other way to get around it? The thing is, the article is about goals and goal setting, andof course it's going to have those words in it (goal and goals being the keywords.) Should I scrap the article altogether? I thikn it's a great article, and can be of much use to a lot of people, so I don't want to scrsap it. Give me your opinions, please.

PS. Is it better to blog my questions, or to put them in the forums?
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jatdebeaune Premium
If you can substitute other words for goal/s in some of the places where you use "goals", then it might even read better. You be the judge. If you do that, then the article will probably be accepted. If that isn't agreeable to you, then for sure publish it on your own site.
Shawn Martin Premium
Put the article on your site and write a new one like Jchilders said.. Try to keep the keywords in the new article to about 2.5%
jchilders Premium
Or write a new article and use that one on your own site. No need to scrap anything you've written.
veronica.l Premium
try to use other words as well


Definition: aim, purpose of an action
Synonyms: ambition, design, destination, duty, end, ground zero, intent, intention, limit, mark, mission, object, objective, target, use, zero*