Easy does it

Last Update: September 30, 2010

 Alright here goes.

So as far as everything goes, I'm lost in translation. I don't know what domain i want to start with. And I'm not even going to try to "represent wealthy affiliate" because everyone here is doing one. (Sorry to the admins bytheway, but I don't stand a chance hell of promoting your product right now and i've told like 70 friends and none of them want to pay $100.) And having only 1 week of online marketing experience, I could never even be found on google unless I spent 1000 hours backlinking, or whatever it is, to god knows where using god knows what. I do though however, have micro niche finder and market samurai. But I can't decide on how to take the next step in the "action plan" on this site. Mainly because, apparently to really make traffic you have to have adsense. And I need a website domain name, that when searched through google, to pretty much match the keyword and end with a .com.

Should I get potpiegirls one week marketing? I've noticed that it's several years old and I feel that it could be outdated. What method should I use? I've spent a lot of time and even made one lens (check other blog) and even when i published it, it still says that it isn't when i look for it on google. (It has been 2 days since I published it.) 

I've spent so much time on here and looking at potpiegirls movies, that my wife is complaining that I'm neglecting her. Now thats just sad

I guess I'm just ranting and looking for an easy way out, but I need direction, and apparently you have to have adsense, tons of blogs and tons of lens to even make it.

Whats next?

Am I doomed?

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WRI Premium
I have always heard and believed what goes around comes around, Here is some gold to brighten your day !!
Will_W Premium
@plumber. so should i create my own domain, find a niche, and just research the hell out of it? As in: buy a domain. try to find amazon sale items for it, and learn how to backlink?
famousplumber Premium
WA presents marketing in all its internet forms. Yet it is stronger in some areas than in others. A lot of that, I believe, is the internet marketing historey of Kyle and Carson.

Two quick points:
1) PPG's stuff is based on her success in her marketing forms. She has done well, and you would be wise to learn from her.

2) Website development is probably one of the weaker WA presentations. WA IS their website. I develop websites outside of WA, and they are all based on the notion that quality content is king. People don't go on line just to buy hard products or info products. The info market is majorly saturated. Find some micro niches and DOMINATE them . James Jones's Micro Niche Finder is an incredible tool. Use it. Research the niche thoroughly. "Dig", like Janet says. Then build. Take action!

Larry (famousplumber)
jatdebeaune Premium
It was a wise choice not to promote WA yet until you have had some success yourself. Also, there are some very seasoned marketers selling WA. That's stiff competition. Why do you think you need Adsense? You don't need Adsense or Adwords at this point. Here's what I would do: pick a niche, do keyword research to narrow down your niche, or as they say here "dig" to get more specific. Then get a domain that contains your niche keyword or phrase as the first 3 words. Good if it's a longtail keyword because that will be more competititve. Make sure your keyword gets good traffic and low competition. Opinions vary on that. WA instruction says competition no more than 5000. Go into the keyword tool here to find your AP (article power). Get an AP of 8 or more. Then get some products from Commission Junction, Shareasale, or Amazon, and start writing good informative articles on your subject and submit them to Ezine Articles and Articles Base. If you want to submit the same articles to multiple sites, the, submit them first to Ezine Articles. They want to be first. That will give you a real good start and it's not overwhelming. BTW, I don't bother with Squidoo. However, if you don't have a website yet, Squidoo will be good because it'll be your landing page where you can put links to your products and a link in your article to link back to Squidoo. Ideally, if you can make a small site or blog with WordPress that is your domain name, I would do that and link your articles to your own site or blog. Hope that helps you.
Labman_1 Premium
One step at a time my friend. Do the tutorials. They get you set up or all the good stuff. Don't let the information overload overwhelm you. Look at the Squidoo 101 tutorial its a good place to start. If you don't have all the backlinks right off the bat that's OK. Just look over what's there and build something you are proud of. One step at a time and it will come. You don't have to do it all today.