Baby Steps

Last Update: July 20, 2012
Well, I have finish building the core of my website. I feel great. What an accomplishment and rather easy with the step by step instructions. I must admit I was paralyzed with fear. I thought I could do this after all, my background is in electronics (Marine Corps) and now in Social Work. I knew this time that if I failed it would be because of me and not because someone scammed me and left me on the side of the internet highway for dead.

I guess I don't understand the lack of business ethics. I don't understand scammers. They are like junkies. When they get that 'fix' they have to find the next 'fix.' It does not matter, to them, who they steal from. All ill-gotten gains are short lived and eventually catches the person and since they have burnt all bridges they are left desolate and broken. Enough of that. I am in a good place now and with a good company.

Check out WA see what you think.

I have learned to dance with the wind
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