Trust your Inner Voice

Last Update: July 21, 2012
I love it when I learn new things. I do not always, like the frustrations of trying to figure out problems but those problems are what bring insights or, as I like to call it revelations.

Yesterday, I was so excited about my new accomplishments with getting the core of my website done. And then…it was time to learn something new, article writing. It seemed simple enough, until it was time to upload my written article. I kept going over my steps thinking I did something wrong. I reduced my number of key words and this did not solve the problem.

One error said I needed 26 more paragraphs and another said I needed 62 more paragraphs. I remember thinking that my thoughts for this article had maxed out; where in my brain capacity am I going to find 26 more paragraphs, let alone 62.

Feeling mentally tired I shut everything down and went to bed. I tried the same thing in the AM but got the same results. A thought kept coming to me that it was the browser I was using, Firefox. I wrote my article in MS Word and copied it to the Street Article program. Ok….with a rested body and clearer head; the same thought came upon me. Finally, I closed Firefox and open Google Chrome. And guess what…problem solved…..Yeah!

The moral of this story is to trust that small voice that is trying to guide you and stop the insanity of doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Dancing with the Wind
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Shawn Martin Premium
Chrome is the only way to go, it is google frindly and SA and WA friendly. Way to stick with it!
winddancer88 Premium
thanks....what is SA?
Shawn Martin Premium
Street Articles
Deezdz Premium
I like the quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I don't know who said it...but it's a good one. Great advice to follow your inner voice!
winddancer88 Premium
You are right about the quotation marks. I have used this so much in mental health that I forget it started somewhere....thanks, I will keep a watchful eye