Better Intro Email?

Last Update: May 22, 2010

Any better sample emails introducing WA to friends/family?

I need 5 or 10 better sample letters (emails) to send to friends and family introducing WA.  Are there any on the site or in the forum? 

The letter in Part 2 of the 8 week action plan is OK, but I'm a 68 year old professional and the letter there doesn't fit me.  The people receiving it from me would know it was canned.

I've been stuck on this for several days, looking around the site for some better sample letters and thinking about some better letters I might write.  But I'd hate to reinvent the wheel.  Are there any good samples out there?

And/or if you have a good one, I'd sure appreciate a copy.

Tnx --

Eric Taylor (wizard)

P.S.  I've made a Tutorial Request about this.

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