Posts by WOODCOT 3
Thanks for the Help with the Blog and Funnel system it certainly saved me a lot of heartache. I had previously flirted with wordpress,but it gave me scrambled brains as did the thought of setting up an autoresponder with A.Weber.Now all that is a thing of the past I have set up the whole thing and it works a treat. If you have not set the system up yet then you should do now.Ok it took me a day or so,but I am no expert on the computer. Just a few tips..Check the spelling on the autoresponder let
I just discovered Deb Williams and her series of videos on how Rubix works and loads of other stuff.(See her website). This has just removed many of my web making roadblocks.I'm sure this is an absolute must for any newbie and others. If you are stressed by Rubix tune in to her now. Just in case you can't find her look her up in the members list or go direct to her at Deb Williams   
March 19, 2010
I have not written much in the Forum since joining Wa on Jan 20th mainly, because I was spending my time learning all kinds of things  that newbies need like keywords/relevance/squidoos/etc etc Now it's all coming together I've discovered how SiteRubix works(I think) and I have 9 info domain names, several Squidoo campaigns with links.I have met a few roadblocks and have overcome them some totally, some partially. I hope to explain in my next posts a few points that that seem simple now,bu