Deb Wiliams.What a Champion.Buddies and Newbies see this site

Last Update: March 24, 2010

I just discovered Deb Williams and her series of videos on how Rubix works and loads of other stuff.(See her website).

This has just removed many of my web making roadblocks.I'm sure this is an absolute must for any newbie and others.

If you are stressed by Rubix tune in to her now. Just in case you can't find her look her up in the members list or go direct to her at Deb Williams   

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Ezinewriter Premium
Yes, Deb's Rubix videos are fantastic for any newbie here at WA! It will clear away any confusion.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you. Haven't tried Rubix yet. Nice to know about Deb Williams videos. Your dog is precious!