Posts by Worthguides 2
July 30, 2010
Today is an exciting day because I have managed finished my first affiliate marketing website.   I'm really learn a lot of knowledge while doing this business.  It is a very good experiences for me.     Of course, this is just a beginning for only finish my website.  I need to put a lot of effort on getting traffic to my website.  If you have a good experiences, come and give me a share.   Thanks.   To your success, Joyce
Hi Everyone,   This is my first blog in WA.  Excited to be here joining with you all.  I started my affiliate marketing business on 21/5, but not really feel satisfy with my website.  At last, I  decided to join in WA on 23/6.  I just finish setup my Wordpress Express blog website a few days ago, now still under development to add in more blog and some ads.  Along the ways, not really know how to do the followings to increase the traffics: add in the ads pictu
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