Need Help in Website Development

Last Update: June 29, 2010

Hi Everyone,


This is my first blog in WA.  Excited to be here joining with you all.  I started my affiliate marketing business on 21/5, but not really feel satisfy with my website.  At last, I  decided to join in WA on 23/6.  I just finish setup my Wordpress Express blog website a few days ago, now still under development to add in more blog and some ads.  Along the ways, not really know how to do the followings to increase the traffics:

  • add in the ads picture with hyperlink
  • add in additional blog on the right hand side. 
  • add in analytic to track the website visitors
  • add in aweber autorespondence
  • increase SEO

If anyone of you willing to give me a guides.  As I know that this WA community has a lot of talent people, who are has a lot of great experiences.  I do believe that the newbies in here are not lonely.  If you are also a newbie, and need some guides along the way of development of your website, please feel free to join the blog.  

To your success

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acondura Premium
Well, since you're using WordPress Express, it's going to make your like easier.

Please see the following:

- for "add in additional blog on the right hand side." - you can add things to the right hand side by going to your admin area then Appearance and then Widget

- for "add in analytic to track the website visitors" - you go to Plugins, enable Google analytics, then go to Settings and under Google Analytics insert your analytics code (after you've created an analytics account:

- for "increase SEO" - there's plugin you need to activate called All In One SEO

- for "add in aweber autorespondence" - check this link: (or just search for aweber at the top of this page)

- for "add in the ads picture with hyperlink" - not so sure what you mean but you can add a widget with a picture in the right side (like in point 1 above).

Hope this helps. Good luck,