Posts by WRI 69
April 21, 2011
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April 21, 2011
For DanielWe understand ...You will find your niche
I appears Goggle is collaborating with Youtube in ways that will change the face of internet marketing ever further. Live streaming video .. what does this mean? Advertisements in real time...Yes Homemade reality shows ..... Yes Vendor customer interaction on the fly.....Yes Increased quality in video ads..... Yes Serious competition with corporate ad campaigns.... Yes These are but of few sudden and sweeping changes coming our way.. I hope you'll have you
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April 06, 2011
Are bland potatoes stealing the flavor out of your salad? You may be using all the right ingredients but missing one key. Lets face it potato salad is a major staple at any social function. Do you want yours to stand out ...or just be left aside with rest of the heap? Of course you don't... Make your salad stand out with this one simple secret. Family passed down generations in secret... Now it can be yours.     &nbs
April 03, 2011
 OK ...So you have a JOB  .. Many of us do.. after all what  are we with out purposed income a  jelly fish? I Didn't Think So Income is good.... all is noble. So, are you living up to your nobility? OK OK ..I know we are not Roy-al Speak ... but  with all the hoopla around that wedding , don't  you wish you could make that cake? Just some flour to ponder.. bon appetite.  
I have always been one to learn through error. Some folks refer to that type learning as the school of hard knocks. While I can not deny it is often a difficult way to learn, I must qualify that the lessons learned in this school are not soon forgotten. Which is why, in my opinion, to a large degree they offset the blood sweat and tears involved in the process. I came into the realm of internet marketing with my eyes wide open, knowing full well this path is not an easy one. Rat
Why just the US? "The problem is that the algorithm update has only been rolled out to the US so far, hence my drops only in the US," Horowitz explained. "However, Matt Cutts has already said that the algorithm update will be applied to the rest of the world very soon. I'm afraid that the clock is ticking before ALL my traffic gets hit as much as US has been."... ...At first Horowitz thought there may be a tie to some of the bad English some of here overseas members contrib
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March 04, 2011
The Lines in Sand a Look  Back at Google's Panda March 2, 2011   Really Google? Penalizing Good Sites To Get Some Bad Ones The results are in and more than the handful of "low-quality sites" have been swept from Google's search rankings. Many innocent sites that may have a few flaws -- the ones a natural site would have if not worked over hard by an SEO -- have fallen through the cracks. The cries are coming from everywhere -- industry insiders finding probl
Here is an article I snagged off Search Day I think you may find interesting. March 4, 2011 Why Google's Panda Algorithm Update Dropped Sites Google's Matt Cutts and Amit Singhal have revealed some more about what is officially known as the Google Panda update, Google's latest algorithm update. There has been much speculation about why sites were dropped and others were promoted. Make Google Trust Your Site One key element is whether Google trusts your site. How does Google determin
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January 15, 2011
Traditionally when we think of Valentine's we think of hearts, passion and love and usually the color red comes to mind. However, did you know that the true heart color is green? While red does denote fire and untamed passion, the color green and emeralds particularity symbolize deep understanding and love everlasting.Emeralds are identified with the heart chakra and are symbolic of long lasting relationships, prosperity and well being. The wearing of an emerald near the heart nurtures the growt