Posts by WRI 69
December 20, 2010
Child prodigy plays Carry on Wayward Son as a one man band !If I were a music producer I would be seriously looking for this kid. A personal quote :"People often worry about whether they have the upper or lower hand, what they should realize is a wise one wields both."God bless
Not all earthships look like something out of an Austin Powers nightmare. I want to share these photos, as you see they can be quite beautiful as well as functional.
December 15, 2010
One of the really great things about the blogs and forums here at WA is the vast amount of knowledge passed at the speed of light. I see many people sharing their success secrets and helping folks along the way. Which is only one of the bright stars that separates WA from the competition( if you could really call it that). What I am going to share here is something just a bit different. I am going to share a mistake I made. Why would I do that? Because I don't want you to needlessly make the sa
I want to start of by saying thank you to everyone who has posted an Ezine tutorial here at WA. They have been a great help and are a wonderful resource.  I only wish Ezine was as open as this community. So far I have submitted two articles, the first one went into problem status on final review. The second one is in initial stage pending editorial review. Now, I am most happy to comply with Ezine in what ever the issue with my article may be, if they would only tell me what it is. I have b
December 13, 2010
Living off the Grid a Case Study Meet Pat and Chuck Potter a down to earth couple from Bancroft ON.Join them as they invite you into their home and give you a first hand view of earthship living.Below is a virtual mock up of a one bedroom dwelling that allows for the incorporation of additional living space as needed.This set up is ideal for supporting a community through a large central green house. One by one together we can break the cast iron grip of corporate monopolies and big oil and trul
December 11, 2010
It's a matter of perspectiveBehold Earthship Phoenix The first spec Earthship now a NM landmark and attraction.BTW they need to fire that stuttering non showman narrator / real estate agent on this videoI am almost ashamed to post this video because of him, none the less, the home speaks for itself.
What happens when demand exceeds the threshold of market availability ? A. Business failure  :( B. Business opportunity  :) C. Nothing ? D.  Both A and B  
December 11, 2010
I have listened to the complaints... I have seen the laws... I cry out ...Are We Helpless? does LAW have us so constricted we can not breath? Have we become so apathetic we just roll over moan and say... WHAT CAN I DO?     Everyone is looking for a solution from someone else it seems.     I ask again, Are We Helpless?     Carbon tax and food regulations threaten to steal our very existence. As fear leads us down many a blind ally, Paranoia creeps in and peopl
1 comment
December 11, 2010
Every day your hear it. Every day you read it. Every day someone takes it.What is it ???Its the thing that keeps successful people successful. It's the thing that separates winners from losers. It's the thing that NOTHING can happen with out.It's what drives the market. AND It's the ONLY thing that will save our planet !!!GET INVOLVED NOW !!!!! Together we can make it happen !