Don't Want To Waste Your Time

Last Update: May 30, 2010

The only reason I am posting this blog entry is so that I don't spend too much time not writing.  The more you write the easier it is for you to produce copy on-the-fly, which you will need to do to truly capitalize on the infinite, super-awesome opportunities to make money online.

This is practice in the way that a stand-up comedian tries out new material somewhere in the course of his act.  Either it works or it does not.  What is important is to not spend too much time thinking about (and your way out of) what you need to do.

 Just do it.

 Throw it on the wall and see if it sticks.


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xploringsuccess Premium
Absolutely. Thanks for the feedback.
jatdebeaune Premium
I like the way you think. And you are right about the blogging. It keeps your communication skills loose and gives you an opportunity to test market an approach. Your fellow members can be your guinea pigs. I just wrote an article for EZA. So tired of all the technical stuff. Not my nature at all. Keep thinking there's something technical I forgot. But heck, have to be a good sport. Don't I?