You Call That A Favor?

Last Update: June 01, 2010

For those of us who still have to punch a clock at a soul-sucking retail (specialty grocery) job that we simply hate and are just thiiiiis close to quitting...imagine for a moment that you didn't hate the job, and you were treated with respect and not worked to the gristle...but it was still a nowhere job that kept you away from worthwhile pursuits (like WA!)


My point? When given lemons, be reminded that you really want some sweet organic oranges, heck maybe even a mango.  


When something sucks, thank God for it and use that sucky feeling as fuel for your true desires!

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rgraham Premium
Good Advice, I'll remind myself of this when I'm at work tomorrow. Thanks man :)
iFaith Premium
"When given lemons, be reminded that you really want some sweet organic oranges, heck maybe even a mango." Nice and so true - thanks for the remind!
Jamie Smith Premium
I had an organic orange also, great minds think alike once again! I give thanks every day for not having to punch a clock. I went to college for music & marketing and feel so blessed to work in my field.
jatdebeaune Premium
Synchronicity. I just had an organic orange. Now I want a mango. I'm one of those weird people who will eat a whole lemon, skin and all. Hmmmm, how does that relate to the excellent point you were making? You just got me distracted by food, which is a good motivator to keep working.
maureenhannan Premium
Love it! Great advice. Nothing more energizing than that sucky feeling.