Nothing Yet...

Last Update: December 10, 2009

I've been so busy with stuff other than my affiliate marketing. I got distracted by some guy who ended up not being worth my while. So now I need to refocus on getting my business going.

I've also decided to take up a new hobby. I'm going to learn how to play the guitar. Oh, and I finally applied to graduate school, so California here I come!

Hopefully I will have more affiliate marketing stuff to report soon. That article that never got published was a good one. I just didn't have a Web site built to promote my affiliates and I didn't want to publish it without that crucial money-making factor in place. So I am going to work on getting my Web site together and then resubmit the article.


Mary :) 

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magistudio Premium
You mentioned 'learn how to play the guitar'. Why not create a niche blog on your progress as this is a very good niche to promote.

You can simply set up a free blog and go from there.