Posts by Adamleo 13
September 07, 2011
Well today I submitted 2 articles to StreetArticles. I'm still not sure weather my niche is to broad. (backyard vegetable patch). But i thought this would give me more options to write stuff about. I'm sorta getting confused as we have been told in the 30 day club to post articles on StreetArticles, but do i publish them on my website as well. I guess I just keep doing what i've been told to do and go from there. Hopefully I won't be able to go too far wrong. I'm confused cause I have written th
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September 05, 2011
After heaps of thinking i finally decided on a niche. And i must say, when i finally just made my mind up and went with something i felt a little less confused and a little more optimistic.  Decided to go with backyard veggie gardening. As its one thing i really enjoy doing and i think i should be able to write about it. Just starting to second guess myself a little, as maybe the subject is a little broad. 
September 04, 2011
Wel, day one at WA and already my brain is going into overload just trying to come up with a suitable niche that i'm interested in and could write about. My brain is jumping from one idea to the next but can't seem to just make up my mind and go with one thing. I think I'll just sleep on it tonight.  I'm thinking about something to do with panel beating as thats what i do (and know about). See what tomorrow brings i guess