Posts by Adamleo 13
Hey folks, its been a hectic week or so for me, but I finally managed to get a few more post done on my personal blog.I was just wondering if anyone gets a spare 5 minutes, could you have a quick read and see what you think so far. I think I'm lacking a specific direction with this blog but I'm sorta just trying to write whatever comes out at the moment. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have. RegardsAdam
What do you do when you feel like everything is against you?? Ok, so I'm gonna have a bit of a sob here...I'm not looking for sympathy.. I just need to get this off my chest.Over the past few weeks, I've literally gotten nowhere. I've actually gone backwards..About 3 weeks ago I had a heap of bills come rolling in.. just the usual.. mortgage, house insurance, rates etc etc. That alone came to about 3 grand.. then on top of that, our septic trench decided that it had had enough s
Well I published my personal blog a couple days ago.Although I've only created 2 posts so far, (just an intro post and an about me post), I feel I'm on the right track and the words and ideas are flowing more freely. which is great.I decided to leave the home page as the blogroll. I've also set up facebook and twitter accounts in my name, to go along side. (If anyones interested... send me your profile so I can look you up so I can start following other like minded people.)I've g
June 14, 2012
I'm in the process of starting my own blog (with my name as the domain, but I'm having trouble coming up with keywords to target for the blogs homepage. And was wondering if anybody out there could help cause i'm sorta stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment.The blog is going to be about internet marketing and personal development. I want to be able to help others with there personal issues aswell as promoting WA to help others learn about online marketing.I don't know weather to s
June 11, 2012
This is just my opinion but.....Setting goals without first having a desire to achieve something specific and something that excites you is like bangin your head against a brick wall. If you have no desire to achieve something exciting, what point is there in setting goals in the first place?I really believe that having a DESIRE that will bring you excitement or happiness in some way, shape or form, is the best driving force to help you carry on through tough times. If your just working towards
Why do I do this to myself??? Its a Saturday night here in Far North Oz, and once again I'm half drunk with a chest that feels like its going to cave in from the 40 or so cigarettes i've smoked today. I waste so much time...time that could be so much better spent with my family...All I do on a Friday and Saturday night after work, is drink and smoke. I sit in my carport staring out a window towards my back yard just smoking, drinking, and "THINKING". All the while my wife and young daugh
March 29, 2012
Hi everyone that's reading this post! Well, about 8 or so months ago I joined WA to try to start learning how to make some additional income. I think I just got overwhelmed with the amount of information that is actually here and started getting frustrated, and ended up cancelling my subscription. I decided to rejoin a couple days ago. So now I'm back with a different frame of mind, and the determination to succeed, no matter what? I've actually been reading a book over the last few weeks, c
September 20, 2011
I'm starting to get really confused as to which way i'm heading with the niche I've chosen. I'm beginning to think I've gone to broad of a niche. Maybe its better to keep it simple, pick a product and market it. Maybe that would be less confusing.
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September 14, 2011
Well I'm up to day 9 of the 30 day club, and i think its starting to make a hole lot more sense now. I have my website with a few pages of content, probably not the best content but i'm still learning how to write a good page up. The other great thing was that I typed my main keyword into google last night, and what do you know... Page 3 on google for the keywords i'm using, That's gotta be a good thing, and hopefully this means what i'm learning is actually sinking in, and the actions i'm takin
September 09, 2011
I;m slowly getting some content on my first site, just doing my head in a little at the moment!!. getting confused as to how I should place everything on my site. Slowly but surely I'm moving forward, so thats gotta be a good sign.
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