The DESIRE to Achieve

Last Update: June 11, 2012
This is just my opinion but.....
Setting goals without first having a desire to achieve something specific and something that excites you is like bangin your head against a brick wall. If you have no desire to achieve something exciting, what point is there in setting goals in the first place?

I really believe that having a DESIRE that will bring you excitement or happiness in some way, shape or form, is the best driving force to help you carry on through tough times. If your just working towards making heaps of money online like most of us are, and that is your one and only goal, take a step back and try to figure out why your doing it... whats something that excites you?

It could be anything, like traveling somewhere, or something exciting you would love to do with your family, or an item you've always wanted to buy but have never been able to afford. Like I said it could be anything, but just make sure that it is something that that EXCITES you, or something that will bring you HAPPINESS.

I found that having the DESIRE to achieve something that excites me has really helped me start taking action. Taking action to both better myself personally and financially. Its given me a reason to work hard to achieve what I want to achieve.

I used to have one desire and one desire only. To make money.. and lots of it, whether it was online or offline, i didn't care. But I've come to realize that having heaps and heaps of money doesn't have to equal happiness or success. And just desiring to have MONEY was not focusing my efforts on taking one definite path towards the attainment of my goals.

I really was all over the place... trying to learn how to make money online, how to make money offline, learning about buying real estate for profits, trading the share-market. In other words I was just trying to find a way to get rich NOW. Its just not the way the world works.. unfortunately.
I was trying to learn about everything and getting nowhere in the meantime.

Focusing my efforts and actions on one path toward the attainment of my goals has made me more productive and less stressed.

So whats my big exciting desire i hear you ask....??

I want to buy a caravan and take my family traveling around Australia for a year or two. I've always wanted to do it and I get excited just thinking about it. That's why I WILL learn to earn a decent income online... so we can travel and not worry about finding jobs along the way. FREEDOM BABY...FREEDOM!!!

I know its not going to happen for at least another couple years yet but that's OK, that just means I've got time to learn the ropes of internet marketing and be able to make enough money to not have to work a 9 - 5 job while we are traveling.
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Labman_1 Premium
Who knows, maybe in your travels you will find that IM is an end in itself.
adamleo Premium
Hey labman! Thanks for the comment! Just not sure what you mean by IM as an end in itself??? Could you please explain. I'm interested to see what you mean??
Labman_1 Premium
Well, I don't know about you but I'm having a great time with this stuff. Doing something I enjoy seems to me to be a goal. Therefore, the journey IS the goal.
adamleo Premium
Oh. I'm with ya now. I agree! It's also started to help once I found my "Why". Thanks for clearing that up. Best of luck to you mate!
veronica.l Premium
Finding out the WHY is the key, having lots of money is great but WHY do you want it and what are you going to do with it? Having lots of money is not specific enough, buying a caravan and traveling is. Good for you finding your WHY, I think it is a very important when you are having a bad day that your WHY is big enough to make you continue.
Print out a pic of the caravan you want and put it by your computer and that will remind you of why you are doing this! Awesome, best of luck to you!
adamleo Premium
I totally agree with you there veronica. Good idea about printing out a pic of the caravan I want to buy and putting it next to my computer. I might even go a step further and get a map of Australia and start pinpointing the places we want to see. Thanks heaps for the comment. Best of luck to you too!!
veronica.l Premium
a map with your trip is a great idea!! That way you have it all set up and it becomes so much more real to you.
jan_osbert Premium
Great post Adam! So true, when you have a burning desire for something, it actually moves you into action. Keep up the good work, and drop by Brisbane when you get that caravan rolling. :D
adamleo Premium
Thanks Jan. could be a while before I actually make enough to buy the van hehe. But I may be in Brissy for work before the end of the year sometime.. Would be great to chat to a fellow marketer. Thanks again mate.
ThomasPaul Premium
A lot of what you wrote in this post resonated with me, especially when you mentioned learning about buying real estate for profits. I spent a pretty penny on real estate investing courses that I never used.

I think for me I thought that the course itself would make me successful. I didn't stop and think that it was me applying the course that would make me successful. I think I also confused educating myself with taking action. I thought that because I was buying all these courses I was taking action but in reality I wasn't.

Thank you for sharing your " reason why" for doing internet marketing.
adamleo Premium
I hear ya loud and clear dude!! I was exactly the same to a tee! Your right, educating yourself is great and I'm all for it, cause hey,.. you gotta start somewhere, but now I realize its what you do with what you learn that makes all the difference.