About Affiliateguy
Joined January 2009
Hi, and thanks for visiting my WA space! Let's see; I never know what to say in these profiles. Just don't like writing about myself, but here goes. I live in Nassau County, Long Island,N.Y. where I've spent most of my adult life. Grew up in Valley Stream, a 1975 Grad of Central H.S. I'm on my 3rd marriage ( betcha thought I was gonna say 3rd masters-:)and I intend this to be my last!
I spent 13 years at Grumman Aerospace before being laid-off in '93. I've been attempting to earn a solid income on the internet, so that I and my wife can live the way we desire to. She is a H.S. science teacher and would love to be in the position to either retire or take off at will w/out worrying of any complaints. I'd love to help her get there. I'm on a disability income and would love to become self-sufficient and not depend on our "wonderful" government for my/our future. I have taken a liking to reading and learning as much as possible about how to apply the Law Of Attraction, Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT ), spirituality and internet marketing. I am somewhat of a 'puter-illiterate" and still have much to learn, although I've surprised myself in knowing as much as I do now, since just a few years ago, I had NO interest in learning computers.
My "Why" is this: My wife & I both deserve and want, to live the rest of our lives in a stress free, peaceful, and very comfortable life-style. I'd also like to prove all family/friends "naysayers" wrong about earning a good income on the internet and see them marvel at how I'm making so much money without a "Traditional" job. Some hobbies/interests: Cooking, Cleaning (YIKES! ), Comedy, Home maintanence/ minor repair. Right now I need but 2 things to focus on. Getting my good health back and making money while building new professional and social relationships. Hey, it's a good thing I don't like writing about myself, eh? -:) Thanks for reading this far and have an awesome day!
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eve Premium
Hi Affiliate Guy
A lot of us here are newbies. I am plodding along at week 4. Nowhere near choosing anything yet, so you are way ahead. I have felt overwhelmed by it all, but at the same time, it is exciting and has given me a new challenge. I am determined to make it work - when I get the hang of it! I think we all need to send a bucket load of positive vibes to each other. We will be out there in the forum soon telling our success stories! It is way past midnight here in UK and I have reached saturate point tonight, but we'll all be back tomorrow working our way through the maze of info again. Good luck to you.
College Student Premium
g'day john and glad i could be of help to you
Mike Salvatore Premium
Howdy. Thanks for stopping by. How you doing with your health?
Mike Salvatore Premium
Howdy. Thanks for the message. Yeah, the nights get to me sometimes, but I feel fortunate to have this job. It's well-suited to me, and nights afford me the opportunity to study on my laptop at work. How's it going?
mavericklearner Premium
Hi- I really like your "Why". My goal is to make enough in IM that my husband can quit the j.o.b. by his birthday (August 6). Nothing like a little pressure. I met my husband after 28 years as a divorcee. We want to work at home together and spend time cooking and inventing great recipes. I'm a newbie to WA but am inhaling info as quickly as I can.--mavericklearner