About Aimie_azwar
Joined October 2008
i am from malaysia.. still young and can't wait to graduate from this university..
i have 3 years not in experience in internet marketer but only just seeking the best way to success in online marketing. in the past 3 years, i have been in such a sad and bad journey due to the try and error process in getting into this field. and that period, i have sacrifice a lot of time, lot of money, lot of excitement with my friends(i'm still schooling that time), yet i still don't see the chance of getting success. but i never gave up. actually i have, once. no, a few time actually, but i always get stand back. because i don't want to waste all those sacrifices i had done. it's a no way i'm gonna do that. but of course, in that 'sick' situation i have a depression. plus, i am all alone on my journey. because i don't want to make my parents, family to feel worried about me. i don't want them to be sad but i want to surprise them by giving them the success of my effort.

after 3 years, i still not achieve that ambition. yet, i don't give myself the reason to quit. and thank god, i really appreciate that god have give this opportunity to be the part of WA university. and i hope i can learn here and perhaps all the members here are willing to help me to achieve my objective. i would be appreciated. thank you.. hope to communicate you guys : )
Aimie_azwar's Accomplishments

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aimie_azwar Premium
i am new to the university of WA.. and i hope i can get into the community here easily.. and perhaps, we can share knowledge and lend a hand to each other when needed. so that, we all gain a better result and better life of course..
cemy Premium
bro.. aku baru sign up WA ni.. aku helmi.. ade jmpe aritu dgn iqmal.. really glad if u can put me any advice on this IM things.. thanks a lot bro..
cemy Premium
haha..aku gerak sane blk 13/12..sane senang gak on9..ade intenet kt rumah..but a lil bit slower..cun gak tu buat same..really appreciate it..skang ni tgh bace bnde2 kt forum tu..try to paham sket2..thanx bro
cemy Premium
first of all..aku mmg xde pape basic pn dlm im ni..zero..betul ckp ko tu..xleh nk overwhelm ngn byk info..kang aku gak yg pening..haha..aku dh add ko pnye ym..thanx bro..skang tgh nk bace putera tu..kene register dlu ke kt situ?
aimie_azwar Premium
okeyh2, salam bro..
haha.. join wa ek.. cmne progress..? jom wat same2.. mesej aimi bile on9, kang aku bgtau smtg.. nk ko nge test smtg gak.. haha
aimie_azwar Premium
bile gerak balik u..? sane senang on9 tak..? ok2, for the time being, just stick kat 8 week action plan tu lu..
aimie_azwar Premium
orayt.. ok cmni, aku ade 2 bnde nk bg supercharge turbo skeyt kt ko bro,.. tp 1 je aku harap ko, pls dnt be over whelming ngn bnyk info2..
ni yg aku dok fikir nk bg ke tak.. ermm.. sbb bile overload info, pening bro.. aku ngn aimie la amek mase nk lepas.. huhu.. skng da get over skeyt2.. ok cmni, ade 2bnde nk citer, tp 1 tu advance sgt.. rase nye ko tk tau lg kut.. so tkley nk citer.. jap, ade ilmu da ke dlm im? basic ade? kalau ade, aku citer.. klu xde, aku bg 1 jek dulu, pergi putera.com then g kat e-income, then klik jutawan n niche marketing thread starter by phoenixwunin, bace thread tu, kt situ da ramai da org blaja from zero, n da wat start wat sale da.. ok, in case nk mudah kan, add ym aku, xubuntu90
till then, gerak dulu bro..
Zex_e1 Premium
yo bro pekaba..
camne niche ko?
dah kaye ek? he..
izwanikasim Premium
assalamualaikum aimie...seronok tengok ramai rakan2 dari malaysia kat sini...mgkin lepas ni kita blh kongsi pengalaman ttg IM....moga bertemu lg
Yue Premium
Malaysian here too. Nice to meet you kawan, selamat datang ke WA.
aimie_azwar Premium
hey there.. msian too ryt..? gee.. nice dude.. u ve join since may and today is oct. so, hows ur progress..?? me here still confuse.. adus.. overload info.. any suggestion bro..??
aimie_azwar Premium
jap, your hostel..? student also ha..? same here.. where you at...? mine is kl aje..