Posts by Alam 5
Hi.I have a authority website regarding mobile phone and tablets and I have started writing content and I can see some visitors coming to my website.And main focus to add quality content every single day on the website and given a 6 months period of time to see good results from it and also target to have 1000 good high quality content in 6 months period timeHere is the website, you can have a look reviews will also be great..I have started this website 2 wee
Hi..It is been long time I have asked a question.. recently this question came into my mind I thought about our WA community and asked them they might have some good answer and solution.I know that choosing a good hosting provider is very important in our business but question I want to ask is does hosting can give negative & positive aspect to SEO factor in terms of ranking.I host my all the website in a shared hosting and they are very good in support and speed but always concern me that if s
Hi Guys..Thanks for reading it, I got a question which keeps on killing me in my mind whether I should do it or not..After Google Penguin, some people says redirection and cloacking is a negative SEO ranking factor.I know that if you cloack your affiliate link and white label your URL than it is a problem.I know that if somebody exit the website and does a automatic redirect to affiliate link than it is a problem and might effect SEO ranking..But if we do redirect our affiliate link from our web
Hi.. After so many changes from Google and internet marketing changes, I am sure many people are still confused which backlinks still will be good to do.. so I have listed some backlink method, whoever are successful in ranking their website and generating sales please do share your backlink method so everybody's confusion will go away.. Yes quality content is also important but if you still write quality content if it does not rank to number 1 than what to do to get rank it number #1
Hi, Guys please help me out, cause I am confused about RSS Directories.. I have blog and got a service who can submit to 60 - 90 rss Directories, now I am thinking whether submitting my blog to RSS Directories is good or Bad And if it is Good that should I convert it into feedburner and than submit it.. What do you think about RSS Directories Will it not harm in the eyes of Google Let me know.. Thanks Alam