[Question] Submitting My Blog to RSS Directories is Good or Bad

Last Update: April 17, 2012


Guys please help me out, cause I am confused about RSS Directories..

I have blog and got a service who can submit to 60 - 90 rss Directories, now I am thinking whether submitting my blog to RSS Directories is good or Bad

And if it is Good that should I convert it into feedburner and than submit it..

What do you think about RSS Directories

Will it not harm in the eyes of Google

Let me know..



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Alam Premium
Thanks fishing and Bigman, sometime some RSS directories copy the exact content and publish to their and that is also count as duplicate content in eyes of Google, so I believe not to submit cause may RSS directories will be the next target for google eyes..
fishing Premium
My rule of thumb for now on.. this is very much part of any campaign I start...first thought, is this just a scheme to better my rankings or is this going to add value to someones day....if it is going to add value to someone....sure...if your sole purpose is to get backlinks....try another stratetegy....backlink manipulation is gone and gone is gone and it probably will never come back....google now is looking for quality and quality is going to rule the nest and all the rest will fall out of the nest (damn I shoul be a poet..lol..lol)
Bigman Premium
But RSS isn't technically a backlink it's a way of spreading your posts out via syndication.
Bigman Premium
There isn't anything wrong in submitting to that many directories, I use them myself but never have that many to post to.