Great Deal for WA Members!

Last Update: June 21, 2010

Hey everyone,

I'm getting close to launching my new site and I thought It'd be a good idea to give a little preview/test run to my friends at Wealthy Affiliate.

Essentially I am selling my time to look over your WordPress install and give feedback as well as installation of premium themes Thesis and Headway as well as premium plug-in Gravity Forms.

I have not completed my site or finalized my prices but as it stands here is what I'm offering. (all costs are for a single site license)


Thesis Package

Inspection plus Thesis installation: $60*


Headway Package

Inspection plus Headway installation: $45*


Double Theme Package

Inspection plus both: $95* (They can both be put on the same site or different sites.)


Forms Package

Inspection plus Gravity Forms installation: $30*


Pro Package

(Inspection plus all products installed): $115*

If you require multiple installs we can discuss pricing that competes with the developer option.

*Please not that you are not purchasing the themes or plug ins, you are paying for my time and creating a client relationship.

This is limited time pricing and as you can see it is a significant savings over the $87 (each) single site license for the themes (footer removal included) and $39 for Gravity Forms (I also include all 3 premium add-ons as well as future add-ons provided only to developers) as well as the normal hourly rates charged . All i ask in return is that you be patient as I smooth out this process and that you write an honest testimonial (can be short if you like).

As you will be receiving a client license for each product I will provide access to updates and you may not have full and direct access to support forums. It should be no problem for me to ask your question on the forums and relay the answer to you.

I think that is all, it's getting late here :). If you are interested in this service, just have questions or want to give feedback then add me as a buddy here and message me or email me at

Tomorrow I will see what kind of response there is and get things rolling.

Thanks so much for your interest!


PS please sign up for my newsletter here to get immediate updates about this program.

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