Site Creation

Last Update: June 19, 2010

 I've been working really hard on this week, I expect to be done in another week or so. I've had to work really hard on my WordPress skills as well since I'll be offering installation and optimization services along with the plugins and themes I have a developers licence to. If you read this head over to the site and take a look around. I would so much appreciate the outside perspective of fellow Internet Marketers of any level of experience. Keep in mind there are big chunks unpublished but a lot is also done. Looking forward to the critique!


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Garage667 Premium
I like your site Alex.Even i am not an expert,especially the Wealthy Affiliate review you have is great.I would definitely clicked from your link to learn more.Good trial!Keep up the good work!
griffin67 Premium
Greg looking site, Alex. I love the Headway theme! It makes for a very "clean" looking site. I have friends that have created sites that will only use Wordpress to design them. I'm exploring Wordpress more. I always used to think of it as just a blogging platform. I'm anxious to see what all other uses it has. I've compiled literally hundreds of WP themes from people who were giving them away as a way of building their lists. Nice to know I have found someone that can help me figure out what to do with them all. LOL. Keep up the good work with the site. I look forward to seeing what all i can learn from your expertise. Cheers, Greg :)