About Allure100
Joined May 2008
Good Day to all new Friends and Affiliates!

My name is Gina. I am enjoying many new life changes and changing my occupation as a Medical Transcriptionist to an Internet Marketer is one of them. May of 2008 is when I joined WA, thus the onset of my affiliate journey.

In the past, I have enjoyed many sports and competed as well. Ten years as a USCF cyclist as well as competing in track & field for a time. What motivates me the most on becoming a successful marketer is this... Freedom!

Freedom to excel! To excel in my personal endeavors and then build upon them. Right at this moment, I get a real good feeling, That feeling is this, "becoming my most authentic person" and this is what freedom is.

Here is one of my favorite quotes:

"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than he who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self. " Aristotle

All is well... Gina G.
Allure100's Accomplishments

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Lots of awesome material in WA and that continues to lead to other experts in this industry and see what they are doing too. The info comes at you like the fire hose effect, "I can only drink so much to absorb it". What type of niche are you going to start with?
allure100 Premium
Hello Steve and thank you for contact. The niches I will start on are these: Hypercar Rocky Mountain Institute, Tesla Electric Car, Lithium battery operated cars, modular homes, "green" architecture, figure competitions and health. Right now I am in the study period. Time is very valuable because I don't have a lot. What I will do and check this out, go to the web site http://adsenserealestate.com. I will have them build my websites in the future. Right now I am going through some awsome life changes, i.e., setting up house, getting engaged, leaving my current job to pursue IM and figure competitions, and of course to be a #1 wife.
katya Premium
Hi Welcome! :)


-Katya D.
allure100 Premium
Hello sweetpea! Yes lets get focused. Enjoy your day!
Dave79 Premium
just wanted to say HI! good luck at WA you have come to the right place...

nice picture... :)
allure100 Premium
Much appreciation for the contact. I understand your country is wonderful. I have just started the 8-week course.
Hi Gina, I am with you on the freedom thing...my head starts spinning when I think of what I can do with all the free time and money I will have as an internet marketer.

Good Luck!
allure100 Premium
Hello Scott. Good for you. I have a child, but she is grown up now, 28 years of age now. Let me know of all your successes. Success breeds success.

Your friend Gina!
C. Premium
"You must first be the master of yourself - before you may be the master of others."
C. Premium
Hi GG.

Yeah I am a nut about locations. I choose where i live based on what has the most central location to the places I need to go. I'll pay more money per month just to save 10-15 minutes on a daily drive as I believe time is truly the most priceless thing we possess.
C. Premium
You're slacking on your blog :)

C. Premium
Power of attraction lol.

I have my own philosophies on that - like everything else =]

I must admit I was checking out your pictures as well.

However, I like your quote.

Here's one for you to chew on:

First you must master yourself to be a master of others.

& I guess one more the quote that changed my life:

"He who takes care of small things shall be given greater - if you don't handle the small things why would you be given greater?"

(paraphrased from the Good Book)

C. Premium
I have time now :)

Ask and you shall receive.

Lol @ G force.

I was expecting, "GG"
allure100 Premium
Good morning C. I like your "About Me." I don't want to be in the car either going back-and-forth. G.
allure100 Premium
Funny.... I was just looking at your pic and then you wrote me - power of attraction.

All is well!
allure100 Premium
Much appreciation...
Much joy to your life. Tell me more about you when you have time. G-force