About C.
Joined April 2007

My Name is C. I own a couple offline businesses which are taking up a lot of my time recently. However, I'm around to answer any questions I can for newbies to IM :)

I'm 28 I teach a software product that will cut mortgage payments down from 30 to about 7-10 years depending on disposable income without any extra payments. So if you want to get rid of your mortgage payment - I'd like to help you do it. My goal is to help as many people in the USA get out of those payments.

I've recently created a training portal with one of the members here, "Ghost" who is an amazing inspiration and has been an absolute blast to work with. You can check it out below in the "My Sites' area.. :)

My other goal is to help as many people as I can work from home. This reason alone I buy everything and try everything I can get my hands on. I want to get as many families at home as possible RAISING their kids. Instead of letting latch key, MTV, and public school systems teach them beliefs and principles. I believe this alone is one of the major causes that deteriorate the moral fiber in the USA.

So if you either want to lower your expenses or increase your income - I have a program for you :)

My life's mission is to get you working from home. Not going back and forth to a job barely knowing your spouse or your kids.

C.'s Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Chad1968 Premium
I just posted to Ghost a few minutes ago. LOL Small world. Your right, his story is inspirational. I have to say I like your mission statement. It has a nice ring of "Baseball, Mom, and Apple Pie" to it. Good Luck
Brekat23 Premium
Sup C! :) So excited to begin working with you on TVI....I'm defintely in need of a life transformation with a quickness and I feel as though partnering up with you and your teams is the best way to go! Both you and ghost seem legit..and real....and I like those qualities...so I'll work my lil ass of for you guys if its a legitimate system and not something that'll get me nowhere in the end haha...but I don't think thats the case, I'm really excited with everything I've learned so far and I'm even more excited to begin working with you guys! Cheers :D
C. Premium
Hey Bre!

Thanks for the message.

I see a determination, persistence, and a fire
in your to get things done. Keep it burning and
don't worry about anything else. It will all start
to come to you as you focus on the simple
things that you have been given.

Benny Premium
Hi C.

May I ask what you mean with moral deterioration?

Benny Premium
Hi C.

I was interested in that, because I recognize similar developments
in my country.
I have to admit that I'm not a great fan of cultural pessimism but it often seems
to me that the kids of today are more likely violent or more likely to commit crime.
(Heard some bad stories from parents in the neighbourhood and read some government reports on youth criminality due to a school project.)

Surely, this is more complex problem with a lot of factors involved.
But I can't imagine that the gangster rappers of MTV are without influence.

C. Premium
Hey Benny

Moral deterioration as in. It's going down quickly. Things that people would never consider doing in the old times people do every day. I believe it is a cycle that is just getting stronger and stronger. I believe parents should stand up and fight for their kids' futures. However, that's sometimes difficult when you only see your kids a couple hours out of the day during dinner or some late night tv.

Jamie Holt Premium
yo C.....just htought we'd connect...

I appreciate a lot of the vision in your forum pstings

Create Your Success

C. Premium
Hey Jamie.

I follow your posts as well. Keep up the good stuff. We all learn from each other. Iron sharpens iron, my friend.

ivana Premium
Hey C. Nice to see how you look...I was wondering :)
C. Premium
Hi Ivana.

Yes it's me. It's a older pic, but it's the only one on my laptop worth sharing.
