Freaking out! Don't know if I can make this work

Last Update: July 29, 2010

Alright.  As you can see, I have not been at WA for over a month.  I have been really trying to get a campaign, any campaign, to make some sales.  My one sale back on May 7seems to have been a fluke. Let me run through my efforts so far.


I followed OWM in a campaign for an ebook on organization.  I used a .info redirect link to point all my lenses to.  All Ezine articles pointing to the lenses were approved and all blogs and blog entries have been pinged.  I followed the method to a 'T'.  Yet not one sale!


I have also tried writing 10 Ezine articles all pointing to one Squidoo lens to promote Rocket Italian language courses.  The lens is acting as my landing page.  I threw in a little of the OWM method and posted in blogs and made a blogger blog, again pointing to Squidoo.  But again nothing.


I have also updated my Schnoodle website that I started 8 years ago (my first attempt at online marketing).  I get about a 1000 hits per DAY on this site.  It is an old fashioned site with simple information about owning a schnoodle breed dog based on my own experience.  I have links to Petsmart and Amazon products throughout the site.  Yet all that traffic has gone to waste because no sales have ever appeared from it.


My latest effort was to start my first Wordpress site.  Since my family and I are going to Disney World this fall, I thought I would use the reviews of my search for a good vacation deal as an angle to promote some of the travel booking sites and an ebook on how to find cheat flights.  I wrote 5 Ezine articles to 5 different posts on this site (all approved).  I also used a free trial version of a link generator tool to promote the overall site and 4 individual posts on the site. As you probably already figured out, no sales from this either.


The reason I am running through all this (and probably lost your attention by now) is because I have been working at making a living as an internet marketer since early February this year with nothing to show for it, money wise that is.  I do feel I have learned a lot about the "business" and can tell you what most of the IM terms mean.  BUT, I do have a deadline I am up against.  


I want to be able to quit my job and do this full time by July 2011.  My oldest son will start kindergarden  next September and I want, more than anything, to be able to put him on the bus in the morning and meet him at the bus stop when he gets home.  With my 45 minute commute and 40+ hour/wk job, I won't be able to that.  I truly believe IM is my way of becoming the work-at-home mom I have always dreamed of being.  


So I make this plea to all the more successful IMers in this community "Please lend me some direction on how to make this my new career!"


I feel I am a fast learner.  I just don't know what knowledge I am missing to get my campaigns to produce some income.  I don't know if I am missing one or many pieces of the puzzle.  I would like to run through one or more of my campaigns in detail to analyze what I am doing wrong with an experienced IMer.  I could maybe trade writing some articles or other grunt work for some mentorship time.  


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