About Amazing1
Joined September 2009
I live in Salem, Oregon. I am 38 years old. My interests are widespread but my main focus is my artwork.

I enjoy drawing with Colored Pencil. The two thumbnails below are colored pencil drawings. My style is unique..blending landscape, with geometric abstraction, an occasional maze might be hidden in my works as well.

Anyway, I am listed on Google: art by brian hansen, mazes by brian hansen, brian hansen art, brian hansen mazes..and several other search terms.

I am a member of Colored Pencil Society Of America, and have been a finalist in more than one competition..to include Richesons 75 International Small Works Competition, and others. I have published several pieces in calendars, etc. I also paint with acrylic, oils, watercolor and several other media.

Currently, I am attending full time school at a local Community College, my major is Visual Communications. This is in an effort to expand my artistic offerings.

My goal with WA is to supplement my income and use the system to build an online gallery/art showcase. Also, I want to become an art agent. I will help other artists succeed with their art and create a network/artists community. I know there are many of these already but I have some ideas ready to make mine unique. Let's just say this will be highly interactive.

Please feel free to look up my art..I am on zazzle.com/amazingb, Art.com, Amazon.com. Yessy.com, Artistrising.com and several others I might not even know about myself. Anyway, that is me in my pics, and those are two of my more popular pieces. Vertigo Chamber, and River of Healing.

I hope you find this informative as a look into: Who is Brian?
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klrrider Premium
Buddied up... lets keep in touch.

moneyguru93 Premium
Yeah, I have a really high ranking all of the sudden! :O Oh, and I think my previous message was a little rude. So sorry. And the best of luck to ya! :D
moneyguru93 Premium
I think you're right. The more active you are the higher ranking. At first I thought it was based on how much money you make ... but obviously that's not the case considering I have not made a cent yet.

But thank you very much!! And best of wishes to ya. :D
amazing1 Premium
Hey I did not think of the question as rude. I have it figured that the more you are active in the forums the better your ranking..That is one reason I have started to get more active. But my main focus is on getting all the information I can on the site. It is definitely full of good solid resources. Do not feel sorry. I am a big person with a big heart, and am appetite for success. I look forward to helping others as well. I am not new to affiliate marketing and would be more than willing to entertain any questions that come my way ( however I am sure that WA can answer all of those.) Brian. I like to network.
moneyguru93 Premium
Hi! could you tell me how you are ranked at the 365th spot when you just recently joined WA?
amazing1 Premium
I actually don't know. I was asking that same question. Maybe it is because I am being active on the forum, etc???
Honestly I just joined and do not have a good answer for that question. I started out..at about 7000 something and now I actually dropped five over the weekend to 360.
I think staying active is good.
Revelation Premium
Thanks for the note on my Craigslist article! I agree with you, it's some great free advertising!!! Cheers
amazing1 Premium
I am currently attending a local Community College and am persuing an Associates Degree in Visual Communcations. I am an artist and my artworks can be found via Google..brian hansen art, or mazes by brian hansen..Those are on several websites. I am learning a lot in my first days on Wealthy Affiliate. I have been a Clickbank member for awhile..and have had little success. Wealthy Affiliate is offering the chance for me to learn to earn...find a niche---get rich. My ultimate goal is to grow into this business as I am going to school and use some of the skills I learn in both this and school to help others to success. It would be a dream to share success with others. Thank you for the opportunity. Any advice would be appreciated. Please check out my art, I hope you enjoy abstraction...