About Revelation
Joined October 2009
Hey WA people!

John here from the beautiful West Coast in the State of California. I have served in the US Navy, traveled the world twice over, helped run a few online business but am branching out on my own now. Time to build something for myself!

I've been a blogger, vlogger, professional egg blower, US Naval Aircrewman, counselor, VP of Sales and Marketing for a transportation company for a Major League Baseball team, warehouse worker and about everything in between. I can speak and write a little Japanese after living there for four years. I have many ups and downs in life and am thankful for each and every one.

Word to the new people:

- Just dive in!
Don't worry about perfecting your game, plan, strategy or any of that. Read for a day or two and get to work. The more you get out the in the shorter amount of time the more opportunity you have to succeed.

- IM isn't for everyone, but a monkey could do it!
This isn't rocket science guys. Basic strategies that are the same in almost any walk of life but just specific to IM. Want to win a soccer game? Train hard and learn the angles of attack! Want to climb the business ladder? Work hard and get the training you need to move up. Want to make your lover happy? Know what works for them and stick to it, while throwing in something new once in awhile! ;)

- Fear nothing!
What do you have to fear in IM? Nothing. Much of this is trial and error. So the faster you get the errors out of you, the faster you will start making money! Get out there and screw up!

- Forget the competition!
What competition?! I am the king of my roost. The only competition I have is how many articles can I write today, how many backlinks can I drop, how many new people can I meet, and how often am I going to check my Clickbank account!? :D

Feel free to say hi or ask any questions you might have.

Good luck!

- John

Month 1 (10/09): Study, Certify, 100 Dollar Day / Completed!
Month 2 (11/09): Avr 10 A Day, Complete Site / Completed! (then some)
Month 3 (12/09): Avr 50 A Day, Complete Community Site / ---
Month 4 (01/10): Avr 100 A Day, Make Own Product & Site / ---
Month 5 (02/10): More Than 100 A Day, Sell Own Product / ---
Month 6 (03/10): More Than 1000 A Week, Start IM Partnership / ---
Revelation's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
tekiah Premium
Hi John, Welcome to WA. If you get stuck there is plenty of helpful info in the Forum. Everyone has been really helpful here.
Revelation Premium
Thanks for the note! Yeah, so much to read and see, so little time in one day. :D
newlyone Premium
Hey John Welcome!

I see that you are a new member i am somewhat new to the wealthy affiliates as well. However, i been in the market for a while would love to share my experience and hear about yours.. Lets Connect
newlyone Premium
WIth the web 2.0 there is so much ways to get in touch with me.. If you have any questions you can email me here or post an IM like this... How is your success so far?
newlyone Premium
Well i have been in the business for a while.. I joined WA to really help out people and to teach my outside the box tactics that use on daily basics to make tons of money..Check out my WA blog i just posted an interesting post... Article Marketing is really great i use it all the time... One big point about writing an article is research the right keywords have a catchy title and use the keywords in your article. Once you are ready to blast it off make sure to submit it to tons of sites...
I actually use an article software that submits my article to over 300 + plus sites.. If you are consistent in the keywords you will start to grow your ranks and get to the first page..
Revelation Premium
I'm always open to sharing and all that good stuff. Let me know how best to reach you. :)
Revelation Premium
Going well for the most part thanks for asking. Right now focusing on studying material on this website and slowly getting into article marketing. Enjoying this a lot. How is your success going?
Ezinewriter Premium
Welcome to WA!
Revelation Premium
Hey thanks a bunch! I love this thing!
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! I suggest that you gear up to a full year and pay for it by selling memberships. I do. You will save cost and be more committed. John
Revelation Premium
Thanks for the note. I will most likely do just that. As you can imagine, I wanted to get my hands dirty and make sure this site was legit before going forward. :D
Revelation Premium