Posts by AndreErasmus 7
December 04, 2010
How would you feel if your site started to rank after a couple of months working to get it there and then the next thing it just disapears into thin air never to be seen again.  One of our affiliates on Clickbank decided it is a good idea to copy our index page exactly as is add some javascript code for their affiliate link and save it as a page on their site, they even put their own copy at the bottom of the site saying copyright belongs to the author. We found 3 pages like that on three
September 08, 2010
Hi there, just thought I'll share this with all of you. Don't know how many of you use mind mapping to organize information, create campaigns, creativity... and the list goes on. Mind mapping is a great way to compile a lot of data in a small space that is meaningful and memorable at the same time. If you haven't tried it yet I suggest you should seriously look into using this brain organizing tool, which is exactly what it does.  To get more information I suggest a visit to www.thinkbuzan.
September 08, 2010
Got involved with WA about a year ago. What really makes this community work are all the amazing people here. I don't make friends easily and am fairly introverted but the support and honesty from the members here has really astounded me. Some of us are seperated by thousands of miles and yet we can reach over and motivate each other give advice and just be friends or just get stuff off our chest and there will always be someone with an honest down to earth opinion. Great to get to know some a
Just decided today I am not going to think about anything negative in my work, business, relationship, life and whatever else comes my way ever again. If you think about it when you think about bad stuff they seem to materialize and the more they materialize the more you think bad stuff. Even with the smallest things, everything you want is there right in front of you all you have to do is stop thinking "this might", "I hope", "don't know", "it won't" etc.
 I know soccer is not a biggie in the USA but good luck anyway.
As I was busy going through some of my old books, I found this book by Seth Godin called "Permission Marketing" there might be updated versions of this but a couple of good points he made stood out. Most of you probably know this already but interesting for those who don't. First you offer your prospect an incentive to give you permission to market to them. Then you teach them about your product or service, you also have to reinforce the incentive for them to keep on listening to you.
May 26, 2010
Is IM all about making a quick buck or is it about developing a good product or marketing a product that you actually know something about that will help your customers? I did some research just to see what other internet marketers are doing and joined their so called " Download the latest free this and that" and  found very little really useful information on all sorts of subjects.Which makes me think if you buy their products - How usefull will that be to you anyway. You get