Internet Marketing is the same as dating your prospect.

Last Update: June 05, 2010

As I was busy going through some of my old books, I found this book by Seth Godin called "Permission Marketing" there might be updated versions of this but a couple of good points he made stood out.

Most of you probably know this already but interesting for those who don't.

First you offer your prospect an incentive to give you permission to market to them.

Then you teach them about your product or service, you also have to reinforce the incentive for them to keep on listening to you.

Offer additional incentives to get more permission from your prospect and then over time use the permission to change your prospect into a customer.

Keep the rules of dating in mind and you could be very successful in engaging with your potential prospects. 


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AndreErasmus Premium
Will definetely keep that in mind thanks. Just finished reading the book by Seth Godin very insightful into the world of marketing. He talks about Permission Marketing which is the way we all are going and the old way of advertising which is Interruption Marketing. Amazing to think I've had this book for 8 odd years and am only really reading it now. Rather late than never.
rakeeb Premium
that is really amazing knowledge, i think you will master WA, please contact me for any questions.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very nice approach. Respectful. If I were the customer, I would be quite receptive. I like Seth Godin too. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Permission Marketing. Want to read more.