Posts by Angelle 31
There is no doubt that Wealthy Affiliate is probably the most comprehensive Internet Marketing membership site out there.  Anything you could imagine from guides, planning tools, niche packages,and hosting (just to name a few) are available.  But honestly, there are lots of others out there who could set up the same kind thing, charge for it, get members and so forth.    In my experience, the thing that cannot be duplicated are the many members here at WA.  Those of you
March 30, 2010
Building my second campaign.  Campaign 1 is out and simmering. In just a few days, most of my articles are showing up on first page in quotes and 2nd page without quotes.  Going to keep working on campaign 2 and then probably try some backlinking strategies for my first campaign on the weekend.  See if I can get my articles to rank higher.   Landing page has not been indexed yet, but sites other than the article directory have picked up my article and have it posted on
Well, I just completed my first campaign using Mike & Pete's (EOS) Evolution of a Sale.  You know, I'm pretty proud of those guys!  It shows that we all have something to give even if we are new in the game. :-)   It was easy to follow and I really liked the video format.  I tend to learn better that way.    I think what I like best is the part about how to write articles.  That was an eyeopener for me and really changed my approach to writing articles. I'
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March 28, 2010
Hi Everyone!  I know I've been MIA for a few months now, so I thought it was about time that I let you all know that I'm still here and still pushing towards my goal.  So where have I been?   Well about the time of my last blog post, I got smacked in the face by life.  I started getting headaches that would not let up.  I went to the doctor and found out that I have HBP (high blood pressure).  Talk about a kick in the gut.  I never had any issues with this in t
Hey all,   Still chugging along with the Article Marketing course.  So far so good.  I just hate that it takes sooooo long for Squidoo lenses to get indexed.  But I'm plugging away creating new ones anyway.    Can't wait to finally see them show up in Google! Hope all is well with everyone!  Oh and here's my latest lens.
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Taking the Article Marketing & SEO Accreditation course.  Learning a whole lot.  Wish me luck! 
Hi all!! When I first started article marketing a couple months ago, one of my goals was to get the coveted Ezine Articles mug.  To me that signifies that Ezine thinks you are putting out quality and good quantity as well.   I figured it would take months to get my mug.  Well much to my surprise, I had a neat little box from Ezine sitting in my mailbox today.  I couldn't believe that it could actually be the mug.  But what else would they be sending me?    I wa
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October 04, 2009
Hey Everyone, If you get a chance, check out my lens. Hope you all had a great weekend!    G'night!  
September 30, 2009
Ok, I am so caught up.  I REALLY need to go to bed, but I am overly excited about all the kewl stuff I'm learning.  I have getting started guide, article marketing, fast action quick start, squidoo 101 and squidoo optimization under my belt, keywords in hand. Tomorrow I start writing!!! I'm so excited, I don't know what to do.  This is the first night I haven't had to fight sleep to try to work on the business in a long time.  That's in spite of the fact that I've been up
September 29, 2009
Hi all,   Working on setting up my work schedule as well as goals and tasks.  I have my big goals set up this AM and will be focusing on breaking them into smaller tasks later on this afternoon.  I want to have my plan in place so that I can start with a clean slate to begin my day tomorrow. You know, Oct 1st, first day of taking steps towards building the new life.  :-)  Or something to that affect! I'll post my big goals with target dates and all later today.  It