Confusion is a Part of the Process

Last Update: October 15, 2009

When starting anything new, fear and confusion will must likely be a part of the process of your learning experience . Think back to when you were a teenager, and you wanted to get your driver licenses , and the fear and the confusion that was a part of that experience. But if you can really think back something else was also there, and that was your desire to get those license , because of the freedom that you knew it would bring you.

If you were like me you had support of another person teaching you how to drive , and telling you that you can do it . Which made the process much more easier and helped you to get your driver licenses. 

Well, with the same experience of you trying to get your licenses, it will be the same here at Wealthy Affiliate Platinum. You will have your moment of overload , feelings that you cannot remember everything to do, etc, etc.

When you have those days remember that you are new , and you have to give yourself time to learn and become confident in what you are doing. Take little action steps everyday. Go over the wealthy affiliate action plan as many times as you need to to feel confident enough to move on to other things here in Wealthy Affiliate Platinum. Start at your own level !

Overcome your fears by doing! In the Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan they have section entitled 50/50 rule , study that section deeply. (Remember confusion is a part of the process) :D 
Signing off by not out !


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matykus Premium
Thank goodness! I though it was just me! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
How true are your comments! Thank you. Just reading them calmed me down. I am new to WA, but not really new to IM. I'm simply learning how to do it the correct way this time around. Thanks for your encouragement to us"newbies" . Here's some gold for golden advice.