The Importance of Setting Goals

Last Update: October 18, 2009

 In this blog I am going to lay down a few of my goals. But before I go about doing that I want to give everyone what I think is the most important thing when laying down your goals and how goal setting fits into the big picture of things.

First, if you do not have your goals written down you do not have a direction , and foundation from which to work. Without  a direction or foundation, things will most likely go sour really fast . 

"You have to shoot for the stars my dear child." Is what moms use to say. Even if you don't hit  your goals a least you will be half why there , with a hand full of experience. 

Give yourself the luxury of dreaming, and dream big . Don't let people tell you what your place is , remember your place is where you decide it is. 

Plan to work , and work your plans. Everything takes time , and IM is no different , you will need to think long-term on this one. But with continual action that time can be shortened. 

I'm done rambling now. Time to show you my some of my goals;

1. To make 1,500 per month in IM , by Jan,18,2010. short t-term goal.

My why for this goal is that I want to quit my job at fedex by that date to become a full time Internet Marketer.

2. To be able to donate 10,000 dollars to feed the children or to a place that feeds hungry children. April 17,2011  short-term goal.

My why;I want to give myself a birthday present on that day , and that is helping someone else on my birthday.

3.To become a millionaire Internet marketer by April 17, 2014. Long-term

My why ; To be able to spend my time and energy on the things that I think is important to me. 

The most important thing about the process is just setting the goals. The goals are not important,  the why is the most important thing.It's  the fuel behind the goals, and the important thing behind the why is the experience and education that each and every goal will give me on my journey to fulfill my goals.

Sign of but not out !




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1courage Premium
Anthony, those are great goals, very specific. Is your birthday April 17? If so, you and I share the same birthday.
You have your goals. Check that off the list. Now let's make a plan. Any ideas? If not, check out my blog within this coming week. Just got it working. And thanks for the PM.
Hint: Reverse Engineering Made Easy! Pt. 1
To your success.
idm Premium
Good post. Your comment about quitting your job at FedEx reminded me of something I'm going to blog about next. Did you ever notice the arrow in the FedEx logo? I'm sure you have seen it many times so this may be a silly question.
iMedicineMan Premium
Good post. Like your mom's quote, I've also always heard "if you shoot for the moon and you miss you are still among the stars". All the more reason to set those goals up.

Importants = Importance