Posts by Anthony2791 7
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November 16, 2009
Just a little update for everyone that follow the blog post.  I'm taking it step by step, and slowly ..   I just posting to let everyone know that I am still on my grind..    To every ones success.  <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><!--Session data--><input>
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October 28, 2009
Hi Everyone just wanted to update you all on how everything is going. I took a little time off because of being sick. I am feeling much better , and ready to rock . Internet marketing is a process , and if you are new, the process will grow according to your willingness and skills to learn. Fast learning is good , but if you are just going through the information without fully taken all of it in, you will run into some very hard times when you try to make the big monies .  I know when we
 In this blog I am going to lay down a few of my goals. But before I go about doing that I want to give everyone what I think is the most important thing when laying down your goals and how goal setting fits into the big picture of things. First, if you do not have your goals written down you do not have a direction , and foundation from which to work. Without  a direction or foundation, things will most likely go sour really fast .  "You have to shoot for the stars my dear c
When starting anything new, fear and confusion will must likely be a part of the process of your learning experience . Think back to when you were a teenager, and you wanted to get your driver licenses , and the fear and the confusion that was a part of that experience. But if you can really think back something else was also there, and that was your desire to get those license , because of the freedom that you knew it would bring you. If you were like me you had support of another person teac
October 14, 2009
 I would like to give everyone some easy steps that I use when I set my goals . 1. When setting my goals I don't set limits on myself . (I dream if everything was ideal what would I have , and what would I be doing.) 2. Make long-term and short- term goals . (1yr., 3yr, 5yr, 10yrs goals) 3.Write 5 things that you already completed in your life . (it can be big things or small things)  4. What kind of person must I become to be, do , or have these things.('It's not what you get that m
October 12, 2009
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October 09, 2009
I am back as a member of wealthy affiliate ,and It really feels good to be back with a plan. I feel with the help of this great community it will help me keep on track and to reach my goals .. Thank you for checking out my first blog post , and there are many more to come. The site has changed from a year ago it looks wonderful , and I feel like a newbie again ..I still have a lot to learn so , ready , get set , make money ... To yours and my success ..Success never happens without a plan.. &
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