Google Analytics - My Nemesis!

Last Update: July 04, 2012
I am really struggling with something that I can do nothing about it seems, so if you have any advice I would be grateful.

Google analytics is by and far the most popular analytics system used by people. Its free and good.

However, ever since G+ came out, Google has made some changes and the one that annoys me most is the fact that if a person is logged into Google when they do a search and land on your site, the keyword is not there, instead you get:

(not provided)

Now Google said this should only affect 5-10% of searches. Yeah right!

50% of my searches this year are (not provided).

The only work around I know so far is to add a secondary dimension: Landing page. This is useful as it gives a general idea to what they were searching for (i.e. if they land on my Elegant Themes review, im 99% certain they were looking for it) BUT it still doesnt tell me what they were exactly looking for!

50% is a lot of keywords to be missing out on.
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mama2karsten Premium
Google is much like Facebook... they do behind the scene things to harvest info, etc.
they do not always announce these so called "system upgrades" in advance. hmmm...
Apina Premium
Not sure if it was announced ahead of time, but there has been some grumblings about it
David_S Premium
You can also send Matt Cutts an email regarding this question too.
Apina Premium
hmm... I know he is approachable, I have him in my G+ circles, but I am still hesitant. Do I wish for the glare of Google to be directed towards little ol' ApinaPress?
David_S Premium
You have nothing to hide its all white hat so why not
JonnyX Premium
If you are hosting a domain name on C-panel, you have your own analytics built in. Some say its better than Googles.
Apina Premium
I had a good look at the Cpanel stats. Some of it is perhaps useful, but the keyword section for July (minimal visits) only showed a variation of 2 keywords that wasn't on GA. Combined with the inability to filter the results in any way, means that it isn't a viable alternative for me.

But I do appreciate the suggestion, it was definitely worth a look at.
TJ Books Premium
That's for sure. We are at their feet.