About AUSPM24
Joined March 2010
HI WA members:)

My names Paul im a NEW MEMBER to this. First off im so impressed by what wealthy affilate has to offer i am glad ive made the right choice to begin building a online buisness with wealthy affilitae as ive tried so many other services online so far so GOOD.
I am 22 yrs old love playing sports, and love been around family and friends,travel, beach, movies, all the fun things like most people love to do currently working part time as a tradie but looking to working from home full time so with WA i hope this give me the opportunity to reach success.....
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andys43us Premium
Welcome Paul. All the best.
riojs_k Premium
Welcome Paul~ :)
Jimmy Massey Premium
Welcome to WA.

My name is Jimmy if there is anything I can do for you I'm all hears.
AUSPM24 Premium
yep same boat glad to see someone els from aussie.
good luck to you to..
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
AUSPM24 Premium
thanks i appreciate your help :):):):):)