Posts by Avilanch2001 6
While going through my google webmaster account I noticed something new. Google has a new tool to help them gague rellivency of a site as well help your site to be a bit more socially connected... Here are some quotes directly from the google guide book. "How does +1 affect search results? +1 helps people discover relevant content—a website, a Google search result, or an ad—from the people they already know and trust. Adding the +1 button to your pages lets users recommend your conte
I was hating past tense. Now that I figured out street articles I have to give props to how fast articles get approved or in some cased denied. LOL I submitted an article and less than 30 mins latter I knew what was wrong with it and made changes. While that was happening my other article was already approved. I have to say WOW that's FAST!!
YEahI have noticed that a lot of people are taking diggs at street articles for being so picky and stuff o in some cases just not working well its my turn. My keyword phrase is 9 words long very targeted with a high search volume and almost no competition.  and i get this: Links can be no longer than 5 words long..... That's great. so now i cant target my keyword. Then i think hey maybe i can just go and put 2 links one for half of it and one for the other half...... Nope links must appear
Im finally back home Thank God!!! To those who have read my frustrated rantings from Afghanistan Im sorry for being such a complainer. Anyways Im back and Got started on the action plan today. Finished through day 2 and gonna start on day 3 tomorrow.  I'm excited to get back in my old grove and to actually have a plan to follow I have all 30 days already in my inbox because i signed up for it while i was already there. I cant wait to start seeing some real success from this. I have a g
Ok so I just became aware that my girlfriends uncle is a software designer. After talking with him he offered to help me out by making me some software to help with marketing. I told him if he can come up with something of high quality that i would more thank likely be selling it.  Anyways long story short hes cool with it. Now my issue is what should this great software do in a place where there are already thousands of throwaway programs that sometimes do what is promised and sometimes n
March 05, 2011
Ok, not trying to sound all dramatic though thats how its gonna sound. Please just give me one sale that I actually earned myself. Just to justify all this time and effort I'm putting into trying to make this work. That's All I'm asking.18 clicks on the buy now button in 2 weeks and 0 sales... Come on... When you click the link it takes you exactly where you would expect to be there is no suprize. So why not buy? Just seems like im putting all this effort into it and nothing. Not to mention I'm