I think I finally got it!!

Last Update: July 17, 2012
After playing around with a few niches (I've gotten a lot of clicks but no sales yet!), this morning I feel like I had a breakthrough and found THE niche. Did you guys have that moment? Where you found what you really feel will work for you and what you want to dive into?

The funny part is, it's what I do for a living every day in my real job... why didn't I ever think of that before?! *smacks self in forehead*

Here I go!
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bigstevec Premium
uh-oh - dope slap - don't feel bad - i've got a perma hand print on mine
Deezdz Premium
You go girl!!! It's such a great feeling to be inspired.
jchilders Premium
You're lucky then that your job is also your passion! I think a lot of people go to work at jobs so they can get a paycheck to support their lifestyle. That does not mean they necessarily 'love' their job though.

I'm not sure what your day job is, but make sure you aren't creating a conflict of interest by creating a business in the same market. I might just be paranoid though. LOL

Congrats on your finding your niche though!