Day 1 of the Rest of My Life!

Last Update: January 01, 2012




While I am absolutely, positively not big on New Years' resolutions, I decided that I would set Jan. 1, 2012 as a place marker to gauge my progress/success.  I plan to hold myself accountable to at least one page and two articles per day with article marketing, and I'll see how long it takes from this point to make the first sale.  

I have spent the last month going through the thirty day success plan, I actually started with the $1 black friday trial, but I canceled the membership on the 27th or 28th day and realized what a mistake I was making by giving up on myself, and immediately signed up again; this time with a new username and everything.  I even added a picture of myself and my son to serve as a reminder of why I'm looking to make a change for the better in the first place.

One love and much respect to the WA massive, I'll see you all at the top!

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Sunrae Premium
Best wishes to you.
PopTart8 Premium
Yaay! Good 4 U!!! Family will most definitely keep U motivated.