About PopTart8
Joined November 2011
Where Are You From?

The beginning of my story isn’t a very happy one .When I was born, the hospital
my mother had me in burned down the next day.Look it up I was born in Underwood hospital in N.J.It’s gone.Well maybe not the next day:)Shortly after, my step-father lost his job as an orderly at another hospital.Money got tightThey kept trying to give me to other relatives but because everyone felt I was such a bad “Omen”-child no one wanted me until I reached the age of eighteen. Then every man and woman on this entire earth became attracted to my looks.I would then move in with a man to get away from home.Fast forward after five children,9 jobs,another house fire, a dead cat and my favorite dog stolen…There were always two consistent rays of hope in my life and heart….Jesus/writing.

Did You Go to School for Anything?

So fast forward again I went after my G.E.D,took a business management class.I attended Deliverance Evangelistic Bible College along with computer classes and developed a love for video games.Now your meeting me here today.

How Did You Get That Name?
Besides having wings my avatar’s name is “PopTarts Hot” on X-Box Live.It’s also my nickname. If you ever want a good rumble I can fight…I’ll say this and then that’s enough about me….If your plans are taking for-ever, look at the heart of the conductor of the train your on.Maybe you need to switch tracks or get on another train all together.
There that wasn’t so bad.Stay tuned for more updates and if you’d like to “Contact Me” that’s just fine.
PopTart8's Accomplishments

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iZero Premium
I now have a few questions now that I think about it. One of the hardest things is finding a niche. I had a few in mind.. but I don't know if I would have any products or enough materials to warrant holding onto the niche. Any advice?
iZero Premium
I can do everything but 3 and 4. I would love to buy the product but unfortunately do not have the funds to purchase them. It will have to be a free approach for the time being until I can start generating some money. After that, I'll be more than happy to buy products from you or anything else lol
PopTart8 Premium
Hey Buddy! #1.Get a notebook Make a list of all the things you are passionate about and be sure it's an item list of 50
.#2 Read through .keep narrowing it down until you get to the top three.
#3 Go 2 my website www.christianaffiliate.org .Buy the book What color is your parachute from Amazon #4 put your email and name in the form so that you'll stay organized go to the blog and where it says Hey Time Slacker open it up and click on that link "Time Management">that's your Homework assignment :)Write me or email me back.I hope that wasn't 2 much.
PopTart8 Premium
Hey Buddy's All of u -r probably busy cooking or drinking or watching musicals but I just wated 2 drop a quick HELLOOOO :)
PopTart8 Premium
Hello fellow Wealthy Affiliates! I $ee the money dripping off you already.
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
PopTart8 Premium
Hey thanx alot for welcoming me 2 WA.I appreciate that very much.Don't worry I don't feel overwhelmed because I paying close attention 2 the tutorials and implementing step by step.Thnx again :)
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA!
PopTart8 Premium
Thank u 4 welcoming me 2 WA because of the research I've been doing my 1'st day was a breeze 2 accomplish, especially with the way WA is so darn organized.By the way I love animals too.