I'm Back and I'm here to stay!

Last Update: June 03, 2010

Well, I took a long long break from WA and have been doing a lot of Internet Marketing from what I had previously learned here. But, honestly I missed the whole learning, friendship and well... just being helpful to people who need help. I'm a help addict I guess. :)

Anyway, I have many Squidoo lenses, A blog and have been dabbling in some keyword targeted niche websites. 

I have been following the advice of Travis Sago, Tiffany Dow and a few others I trust on how to make some serious residual income as a Internet Marketer.

I have had some success, and now of course I'm hungry for more. So, I'm back and here to stay.

I know I have made an excellent decision to rejoin WA! This place ROCKS!

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Garage667 Premium
I am sure even i don't know you, lots of people missed you here! :) So, welcome back!
Ghost Premium
welcome back :)